Trade Show Booth Etiquette: Sit or Stand?

2012-08-15 |   Industry News , Trade Show Displays

eGenoa Trade Show BoothLong has there been a debate on whether or not it is appropriate to sit while exhibiting at a trade show. Yes the hours are long, you will probably be dressed nicely in uncomfortable shoes, and it will surely feel nice to have a chair available – but is it appropriate to sit when exhibiting?

When exhibiting at a trade show, creating a welcoming environment that prospective clients will feel excited about entering is crucial. If potential customers see you standing at the entrance of the booth, ready to be of assistance, they are more likely to stop and engage in discussion. On the other hand, if you’re sitting behind a table, set away from the entrance, it’s easier for the attendees to keep on walking, before you’ve even had a chance to say hello.

When standing, you create a sense of positive energy. You will give the impression that you are too busy to sit, and that you are excited about what you have to offer. In contrast, sitting often gives an impression of being tired or bored.

Yes, sometimes we have physical limitations when it comes to standing. In this case, if you must be seated, think of placement. Don’t hide behind part of your booth. Rather, be an integral part of inviting people to stop. Remember to turn on the energy in your demeanor.

When exhibiting at trade shows, standing is always the best option. If necessary, invest in a pair of stylish, but comfortable shoes! It will surely make it easier to smile at your future customers!

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